Larry H. Parker


Your Privacy is Important: Learn What Your Rights Are a Plaintiff in a Personal Injury Case There is no way around it: Personal injury lawsuits can be challenging to go through. It can be hard to get the proper evidence for your case, to convince a judge and / or jury of your injuries, and to go through a process that could last for months or years. Another issue can be the loss of privacy when you are asked to turn over personal documents.

The best way to assure that your privacy rights are not being violated is to work with an experienced personal injury attorney like The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker and to assure that you are running all requests by them before offering up private information. Keep reading to learn more and then contact us at 800-333-0000 for your free legal consultation.

Potential Concerns for Your Privacy in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Of course, every lawsuit is unique but it is common for a person who brings a personal injury lawsuit to be required to turn over a lot of personal information. This can include your W-2s to show your income, pay stubs, and other information about your employer. You may also have to turn over your insurance policy, your tax returns, and details on the benefits your employer provides.

In addition to employment and financial information, you may be asked to hand over medical records including detailed notes from your doctor. You may find that the defendant’s attorney also asks for your driver’s license number and your social security number. You are not required to give up all of this information and in most cases we will recommend against it. Understanding what is required and what you should decline to provide is just one of the services offered by an attorney.

An Example of Security Issues That Occur Around Privacy

It is common for a professional photocopier to be employed through a lawsuit. This photocopier will take copies of your information and send it to other parties who need it, such as the defense. According to California law, that professional photocopier is required to keep a digital copy of this information for at least six months after the case been finalized. As is true of any information kept digitally, this information could potentially be available to hackers.

An Attorney is Your Best Line of Defense Regarding Privacy Concerns

Now that you know privacy is a concern, you may wonder: How can an attorney prevent my privacy from being affected? First, we will assure that your personal information is shared only when it is absolutely necessary. We will limit the scope of discovery so that the opposing counsel has access to matters that are relevant to your case but nothing else.

Second, we will take extra steps to protect the information that is shared. The key is to work with an experienced attorney who has your best interests in mind. You have found that attorney in The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker. Call us now at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.