
To operate a motor vehicle in the state of California, drivers are required to adhere to certain safety standards and regulations. The intention of these laws is to increase safety for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians on roadways. This includes texting while driving, even if you’re stopped at a red light signal.

To operate a motor vehicle in the state of California, drivers are required to adhere to certain safety standards and regulations. The intention of these laws is to increase safety for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians on roadways. This includes texting while driving, even if you’re stopped at a red light signal.

California has implemented several laws pertaining to the operation of a motor vehicle while using a cell phone or other communication devices. The Wireless Communications Device Law became effective as of January 2009, which states that no driver in California may write, send, or read text messages while behind the wheel. Additionally, the Handheld Wireless Telephone Laws (effective July 2008) states, drivers may not use a wireless telephone while driving at any time, unless to make an emergency call to 911, law enforcement, or similar emergency services. Drivers MAY utilize a “hands-free device” unless they are under 18 years old.

The fines for breaking these laws cost anywhere between $20.00 for first time offenders and $50.00 for second time offenders. With penalty assessments, the fines can increase up to more than triple the base amount (

For more details, please visit the CA DMV’s cell phone laws FAQ.

Data reported by the National Safety Council claims a total of 350 fatal crashes nationwide involved the use of a cell phone in 2011. About 26% of all car crashes involve cell phone use, including hands free devices. Even “hands-free” cell phone usage can be risky, so be cautious while driving. In order to stay safe, you need your eyes on the road, your hands on the wheel, and your mind on driving.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident because of a driver using their cell phone, contact our law offices today. You can schedule a free, confidential consultation with no obligation, by calling us at (800) 333-0000 or by email using our case submission form. When using the case submission form you will receive 10% off the attorney fees. If we don’t get you any money, we won’t charge you a dime. Our experienced auto accident injury attorneys are here to help with offices in Long BeachLos AngelesOrangeRiversideBakersfield, and Fresno, California and in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. We’ll fight for you!®