The popular ride-hailing service, Uber, does not own or operate their cars. So what happens when an Uber driver gets into an accident while transporting passengers? Who pays for any damages or injuries?
If you’re a passenger utilizing a service such as Uber, and the Uber driver negligently causes an accident where you are injured, the insurance on the Uber driver’s vehicle must pay for your injuries as well as compensation.
As of March 2016, Uber’s liability insurance coverage for ridesharing in the U.S. is the same as any other owner driving a vehicle. In other words, if an Uber driver injures you in an accident due to his negligence, you can recover damages the same as if any other driver on the road injures you. The good news is, Uber and their driver’s liability insurance are very high, which is as follows:
- $1 million of liability coverage per incident.
- Contingent comprehensive and collision insurance.
- $50,000/$100,000/$25,000 of coverage between trips.
- $1 million of uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage per incident. – If you get into an accident where the driver at fault is uninsured and you don’t have uninsured/ underinsured motorist coverage, you could be stuck with expensive medical bills and you would be unable to collect on pain and suffering for your physical injuries. This policy covers bodily injury to all occupants of the ride-hailing vehicle.
California’s auto insurance system is based on the concept of fault. Under this system, a person at fault for an auto accident is required to pay for injuries or damages caused to someone else (Civil Code 1714). And just like all other auto accidents, an insurance company will do everything in its power to reduce what they have to pay to accident victims.
The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker has decades of experience with auto accidents. Our skilled team has the resources necessary to competently handle your case against a negligent Uber driver. To schedule an absolutely free, 100% confidential consultation, call us at (800) 333-0000 or send us an email using our case submission form.
Our attorneys are here to help with offices in Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Bakersfield, and Fresno, California and in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. If we don’t get you any money, we won’t charge you a dime.