
Learn How to Protect Your Child from the Leading Cause of Childhood Death

No parent wants to think about the possibility that their child could die but unfortunately it is a reality. For younger children, drowning accidents, whether in pools or boating accidents, is the top cause of childhood death. For children five years old through fifteen, car accidents are the leading cause of death. Keep reading to find out the statistics and to learn how to protect your children.

The Statistics on Childhood Death in Car Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that in a four year period starting with 2010, there were nearly 3,000 children who lost their lives in car accidents. This comes out to more than ten every week. In most cases, the children’s death came due to them not being in a seatbelt or otherwise not being properly restrained. Other common contributing factors include children being allowed to sit in the front seat, and drivers being intoxicated.

A Closer Look at Child Deaths in Car Accidents

In recent months, a coalition that included the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of Texas Southwestern Medial Center analyzed fatal car accident data that involved children. They found that the contributing causes of the children’s death was different state to state. For example, in Mississippi more than half of the nearly 100 children who died were not wearing seatbelts. Compare that to New Hampshire where all five children who died did have seatbelts on.

The study found that in all states, rural roads are the most dangerous for children. They blamed this on poor lighting conditions and being further away from trauma centers that could have treated them.

The Key is to Properly Restrain Your Child

As these facts and statistics should demonstrate, the most important thing you can do to reduce the chances that your child will be seriously injured is to ensure that they are properly restrained. The law requires that a child under the age of two is in a rear-facing car seat. This only changes when they are either 40 pounds or more than 40 inches tall. Any child under the age of eight is required to be in a car seat or booster seat in the rear seat.

When a child reaches eight years old, or is four feet nine inches tall, they must wear a safety belt. Complying with these laws doesn’t just keep you from getting a ticket – it can save your child’s life. Remember that if you are involved in a car accident in which someone else was liable, you can contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.