
The first bike-sharing program began earlier this month. The program aims to connect Metro bus and rail passengers to thousands of bicycles in cities across Los Angeles County.

The first bike-sharing program began earlier this month. The program aims to connect Metro bus and rail passengers to thousands of bicycles in cities across Los Angeles County. The launch of the program began with the parking of 1,000 Metro bicycles outside of 65 different stations throughout downtown.

While similar bike-sharing programs have recently been implemented across the U.S., this system is the first to be operated by a transit agency. Not to mention it is the first to employ a single bus or train fare card, which can be used to rent a Metro bike.

The MTA has passed out 40,000 Annual Flex Pass coupons so Metro riders can hop on a bike for little cost. Aside from monthly and annual discount passes, a walk-up rental will cost $3.50 for 30 minutes starting Aug. 1st. Bike helmets are not included.

Metro officials say, “The idea is to encourage people to get out of their cars and use public transit by making the first mile, last mile”. The program is hoping to grow to 4,000 bicycles in 9 regions, but depends on whether or not the expansion is approved.

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