
If You Ride a Bike in California You Should Be Following These Ten Rules

There are many advantages to riding a bike and there are many ways it helps not just you but the environment too. However, to ensure you are a positive member of the community and to reduce your chance of being the victim of a bike accident, you should follow the following ten rules.

  1. Follow Every Law
  2. The bike laws in California are designed to keep you safe and you should obey all of them. They are the same laws that govern what you can and cannot do within a motor vehicle.

  3. Use the Crosswalk Legally
  4. You are not a car. You are not a truck. That does not mean that you can stop in the middle of a crosswalk when the light is red. You must treat pedestrians the same way you would if you were in a motor vehicle.

  5. Let Pedestrians Have the Right of Way
  6. In fact, let pedestrians have the right of way. Even if they are crossing when not at a crosswalk, or are not crossing legally or paying attention, you are still required to yield to pedestrians. It can be frustrating to follow the law when they are not doing so, but it can help prevent pedestrian accidents.

  7. Never Go Against Traffic
  8. You cannot ride against the flow of traffic. If you need to go the other way on a one-way street, then your only legal option is to get off your bike and walk it on the sidewalk.

  9. Stay on the Right Side
  10. In most cases, you should be riding in the bike lane or as close to the right side of the street as you can. Of course, there are exceptions, such as passing another bike, turning left, or avoiding obstacles.

  11. Stay Off the Sidewalk
  12. Most cities do not allow bikes on the sidewalks. Know the laws in your city and if they say to stay off the sidewalk, do so.

  13. Wear a Helmet if You Are Under 18
  14. Actually, all riders should wear a bike helmet, but the law in California only requires those who are under the age of 18 to wear one.

  15. Make Sure You Can Hear What is Going On Around You
  16. You might want to listen to music or catch up on your podcasts while riding, but the law requires that you have at least one ear open while you are riding.

  17. Choose a Bike That is the Right Size
  18. You will know the bike is the right size if you can support yourself with one foot on the ground while sitting on the bike.

  19. Make Sure You Meet the Equipment Requirements
  20. Cars can have a hard time seeing you – especially as it gets dark. This is why the law requires that your bike have lights and reflectors.

If you are involved in a car accident, you can reach out to The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 to request a free legal consultation.