Larry H. Parker


Get the Truth About How Gaps in Your Medical Records Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case's Outcome It is only normal to seek medical treatment after a traumatic vehicle accident that results in injuries so that you can get back on your feet. If you were not at fault in the vehicle accident, the other driver’s insurance company would be liable for covering your medical expenses. What happens, though, if you put off medical treatment? What happens if there are gaps in your treatment? Keep reading to get answers and then contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a consultation with an experienced attorney.

Remember the role of an insurance company

The insurance company is a commercial enterprise. The goal of any business is to make money. Insurance companies save a significant amount of money by providing you the cheapest possible settlement for an auto accident claim. They’ll look into all of the circumstances of the accident, as well as what you did or didn’t do in the aftermath. This would include the treatment you received for your injuries.

Delays and/or gaps in medical treatment clearly benefit the insurance company rather than you. If an insurance adjuster notices that you did not seek medical attention right away or that your care was interrupted, they might easily claim that your injuries were minor or that they were caused by an incident that occurred after the wreck.

In the days following the crash, the insurance adjuster will seek to see if you went to the emergency department, urgent care, or primary care for an evaluation. Even though you feel well, if you wait too long to seek medical assistance, they will assume your injuries are minor; therefore, it is always a good idea to consult a doctor or medical professional.

The adrenaline rush that follows an accident might completely obscure the extent of your injuries. It’s also critical that your injuries and the accident be properly documented. If you’ve been in an accident, consult a doctor right away!

Expect the adjuster to look closely at your medical records

The insurance adjuster will also check to see if you’ve kept all of your doctor’s, chiropractor’s, physical therapist’s, and other appointments. If they see an apparent pause or gap in therapy, they will assume that your injuries have healed and that treatment is no longer required.

If you try to resume therapy later, the days, weeks, or months you missed will have a negative impact on the value of your case. Obviously, life occurs, and you may miss visits for a variety of reasons; nevertheless, creating a habit of skipping appointments or discontinuing treatment before a doctor discharges or releases you will not help you heal or aid your case.

No matter how serious or minor your injuries were after your car accident, it is essential to contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 to determine the best way to proceed.