
A tremendous natural gas explosion rocked the San Francisco suburb of San Bruno on September 9th.

A tremendous natural gas explosion rocked the San Francisco suburb of San Bruno yesterday evening, September 9th. News reports are continuing to stream updates as new details of the incident surface. At least 50 homes were destroyed and over 100 sustained serious damage. And most tragically, many people lost their lives.

Officials from Pacific Gas and Electric Co (PG&E), a natural gas and electric utility provider, have said a natural gas line ruptured, causing a huge crater and flames to burst out of the ground. The explosion could be heard and felt miles away, and witnesses reported a 1,000 foot high fireball. In a statement, PG&E made it clear that they will take all accountability for the incident if it is determined that they were responsible.

Incidents such as the San Bruno natural gas explosion can change lives forever, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy. In addition to losing homes and belongings, victims may have experienced catastrophic injuries, including severe burn injuries. With fatalities reported, wrongful death claims will also be pursued against the liable parties of the explosion. With news reports surfacing that residents of the neighborhood had complained of a natural gas odor for weeks, it’s important to remember that the victims of this disaster have legal rights. Laws exist to hold companies and individuals responsible for their gross negligence.