Larry H. Parker


Drunk Driving Liability Might Extend Beyond the Drunk Driver

Consider the following scenario. You’re driving home from a party one night when a car runs a red light, collides head-on with your car, and the next thing you know, you’re in the hospital. When the cops arrive, they inform you that the driver’s blood alcohol level was more than double the legal limit. Although it is obvious that the driver is to blame for the collision, there is a problem: the driver’s insurance does not surpass the legal minimum.

Even if you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, it is unlikely to cover the expense of treating your catastrophic injuries. Do you have any alternatives? Is it possible to hold someone accountable? The best thing you can do is call The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 so that we can evaluate your case and provide you with a response. Meanwhile, keep reading to learn about some of the people who might be held liable for your accident.

Several kinds of liability exist in California that may apply to drunk driving incidents

Many states have rules that make it illegal for hosts and/or alcohol sellers to be held responsible if they provide alcohol to someone who is clearly inebriated and then causes an automobile accident. These restrictions were enacted to prevent individuals from overserving others. There are many of these statutes in California.

Liability of the social host

The state of California makes it clear that a social host is not accountable or responsible if they offer alcohol to an intoxicated individual who then causes an accident. However, a decision before the California Supreme Court established that this does not always apply to minors. If a social host sells alcohol to a minor, he or she may be held responsible for the youngster’s behavior.

Liability of the vendor

A bar or restaurant in California cannot be held responsible for providing alcohol to inebriated adults. However, if a bar or restaurant serves someone who is clearly inebriated and is a juvenile, there are vendor responsibility rules that apply.

Employer responsibility

An employer can be held responsible if an employee is inebriated during a company-sponsored event when the employer supplied alcohol, according to a 2013 court judgment. For example, if an employer hosted an event at a baseball game and supplied beer, then one of their employees got into a fight, the company might be held responsible.

If you were hurt in a car accident caused by someone who was inebriated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, there may be other individuals to blame. Contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker for a free legal consultation at 800-333-0000 to find out for sure what your alternatives are.