Larry H. Parker


Do Your Part to Reduce the Likelihood of Truck Accidents by Following These 5 Tips

Nearly nine million people in the United States are employed in some type of job that is related to trucking, and more than 3.5 million of those are truck drivers. With this many truck drivers on the road, it is not hard to see why there are so many big rig accidents. As a driver of a car or truck, you may think that there isn’t much you can do to prevent these accidents.

In fact, that may be inaccurate. While you cannot do anything to prevent 100% of accidents, there are steps you can take to lower the chance that you are in an accident with a semi-truck or that you cause one. Keep reading to learn more. If you have already been involved in this type of accident, then we urge you to contact a personal injury attorney for a free case evaluation.

  1. Stay Out of the Blind Spot of the Truck Driver

  2. A good rule of thumb is that if you cannot see your vehicle in the truck driver’s mirror, you should assume they cannot see you. It may be necessary to get in their blind spot at times, just be sure that you are in and out as quickly as possible. For example, if you are passing the truck, do not simply drive next to them for ten miles while you are in their blind spot. If you cannot get past them quickly then you should not be passing them.

  3. Be Aware of How Slowly Trucks Respond

  4. Remember always that trucks are heavy and that they cannot respond as quickly as a car can. When you remember this, you will be less likely to abruptly change lanes or otherwise take actions that a truck does not have the ability to adjust for quickly.

  5. Never Tailgate

  6. Tailgating is one of the worst things you can do to any vehicle, but especially a truck. While it is never a good idea, you should be especially sure not to do it when the truck is going uphill.

  7. Ensure Your Vehicle is in Good Working Order

  8. Have your vehicle serviced and maintained to lower the chances that your vehicle’s mechanical difficulties will result in an accident with a big rig.

  9. Do Not Drive if It is Dangerous to Do So

  10. Do not drive if you have been drinking, if you are distracted, or if you are drowsy. This should be followed to prevent any type of accident but especially big rig accidents.

Call Us Today for a Free Legal Consultation

If you have been injured in an accident with a big rig then we urge you to get the legal advice that can help you move forward. You can do that by reaching out to The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.