Being involved in an automobile accident can be extremely costly. Medical fees and lost wages can pile up quickly. The good news is that if someone else is to blame, you may be able to sue them for compensation. The bad news is that you may not be aware of how to obtain the funds you are entitled to. Simply call The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 and we will provide you with a free case examination.
In the meantime, keep reading to learn the answer to one of the most often asked questions we receive from potential clients: Is it always necessary to file a lawsuit to recover damages? The answer is simple: no. It’s possible that the whole solution will be much simpler.
After a car accident, the most common method of obtaining compensation is through insurance
A person who is wounded in an automobile accident is more likely to have their damages compensated by the at-fault party’s car insurance company than to having to launch a lawsuit. In most cases, the procedure begins with the filing of an insurance claim with the appropriate insurer. You may have to file for benefits from your own uninsured or underinsured motorist policy if the at-fault person does not have auto insurance.
The procedure does not start and end with the submission of a claim
In an ideal world, you would easily make a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance carrier and receive the amount you deserve. Unfortunately, it is not always so straightforward. Why? Because the insurance company is trying to find methods to cut costs. They can try to find a way to deny you compensation or reduce the amount you receive.
As a result, you must make every effort to contact the insurer as quickly as possible following the accident. If you don’t, the insurance company will be allowed to refuse your claim merely because you didn’t file within a certain amount of time.
The insurance will review the claim when it has been lodged. They are more likely to offer a payout if they agree that their insured was at fault. Keep in mind that you will most certainly get paid far less than you deserve. You are under no obligation to accept it. In fact, we strongly advise against it. Allow your personal injury attorney to negotiate with them to obtain a reasonable settlement.
You may need to file a lawsuit in certain circumstances
The majority of issues are resolved without the need for a lawsuit, but this is not always the case. We may have to take your case to court if the insurer refuses to recognize their insured was at fault or refuses to pay a fair settlement sum. Working with The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker has the advantage of having no upfront costs, and you will not be charged anything if we do not win your case. For a free legal consultation, call 800-333-0000 right now.