Elder abuse is a serious problem, and as our population continues to age, the problems will only get worse. Already, hundreds of thousands of our senior citizens are reportedly abused each year. If you suspect that a loved one is the victim of elder abuse or neglect, reporting your loved one’s caretaker is of the utmost importance.
There are many different types of elder abuse, including:
- Physical Abuse
- Assault and battery
- Unreasonable physical restraint
- Prolonged or continual deprivation of food or water
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual assault and battery
- Rape
- Sexual harassment
- Financial Exploitation
- Theft
- Fraud
- Emotional Abuse
- Degrading verbal harassment
- Solitary confinement
- Neglect
- Improper medication
- Inadequate food and water
- Requests for assistance ignored
Each different type of elder abuse can be identified through different means. Use these indications as signs of possible elder abuse:
- Physical Abuse
- Bruises
- Burns
- Unexplained injuries
- Sexual Abuse
- Bruises or injuries around the breasts or genitals
- Financial Exploitation
- Changes in financial situation
- Emotional Abuse
- Depression
- Behavioral changes
- Tense relationship with care provider
- Neglect
- Weight loss
- Consistent illness
- Hygiene problems
While some of these symptoms may signify elder abuse, they alone do not automatically incriminate the nursing home staff. It’s important to investigate any possible elder abuse claims carefully. The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker can help you make sure that the offending nursing home and caretakers are held accountable for their actions. If you suspect your loved one is the victim of elder abuse, contact our offices at (800) 333-0000 for a free consultation. We can help you determine a proper course of action, and we’ll fight for you!