The at-fault party’s insurance company will get in touch with you following an automobile collision. When they do, a range of papers and information will be requested from you. Many people are unaware that you are not obligated to provide them with many of the documents they want. In fact, you ought to inform them when they get in touch with you that all further communications must go through your personal injury lawyer.
There are three things in particular that an insurance adjuster can indicate they have a right to, despite the fact that we do not advise providing any information. Learn more about those items and the reasons why you shouldn’t provide them the information they’re seeking by reading on. Then call 800-333-0000 to schedule your no-cost legal consultation.
Do not submit to a recorded statement
You will be asked to provide a statement by the insurance adjuster, and they will probably ask to record it. We urge you once more not to make a statement without an attorney present, but if you do, you should decline to allow it to be recorded. The truth is that any discrepancy between your recorded statement, your statements to the police, and your comments at the time of settlement could be exaggerated.
Human memory is not entirely reliable. You might guess, weeks after the incident, that it happened about noon since you were taking a lunch break. You might have forgotten that the accident happened on a day when you had a late lunch and happened closer to two o’clock in the afternoon. Even though it was an honest error that was immediately resolved, a cunning adjuster can use that against you to suggest that you are not being truthful.
Never agree to anything that will grant them access to your records
In this situation, the adjuster might seem to be helping you out. If you agree to sign a waiver giving them access, they can claim that they can save you the time it would take you to obtain medical records and other paperwork. Avoid doing it. Even if you plan to provide them access to all of the current documentation, you should still have final say over what they can and cannot see.
Keep your social security number to yourself
You might be asked for your social security number if you receive Medi-Cal or Medi-Care; make sure to confirm this with your lawyer first. You shouldn’t give the adjuster your social security number in any other circumstance. They might assert that it is required. While not being impolite or making any accusations, kindly decline to provide them with the information.
We strongly advise you to call The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation if you are unsure how to proceed following a car accident. We’re here to make sure your case has the best outcome possible.