
Can California Schools Be Found Negligent and Financially Liable for Injuries That Result from Bullying?

A mother in California sued the Los Angeles Unified School District after her son was strangled by a bully, leaving him with a severe brain impairment and spinal cord injury. The mother claims that her son was severely abused and strangled by a youngster who was known to be violent with other pupils, and that the crime was recorded on camera. Is the school to blame?

The problem is that the school did nothing about it

The mother believes the school is to blame not because the bully did it, but because the school knew the aggressor had done similar things before. They discovered a video of the bully striking the victim in the stomach and shoving him against a wall before placing his hands around the victim’s neck while students gathered around him as far back as nine months before the incident on her kid.

Finally, the footage shows a staff member passing by, looking at the gathering, and then walking away. The sufferer is on one knee and appears to be having trouble breathing. Before the emergency medical personnel came, many individuals brought the youngster to the office and lay him on the ground, according to another video.

What’s in the lawsuit

According to the complaint, the youngster suffered many seizures, but 9-1-1 was not contacted until his mother arrived at the school, which was a full half-hour after the occurrence. The victim’s mother informed a local TV station that her son has been struggling since the event and that his brain and spinal cord impairments are irreversible and the result of his being choked. The youngster now requires constant supervision and is unable to read or write on his own.

Bullying: How serious is it?

This is definitely a horrible instance, yet many people may question if it is all that uncommon after reading it. The reality is that it happens far more frequently than many individuals think. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 20% of high school students are harassed at school, while approximately 16% of high school students are cyberbullied. Middle school is considerably worse, with 25% of pupils reporting being bullied.

Bullying can have short-term consequences, but it can also have long-term consequences. It can cause physical and psychological damage to youngsters. When kids are on school grounds, school officials are responsible for taking reasonable precautions to keep them safe. If it is proven that administrators were aware of the bully’s risk and did not take proper action, they may be held liable.