The third huge, preventable mistake in an auto accident claim involves a seemingly harmless part of everyday life: a simple phone call. We’ve already discussed the first two mistakes: Driving without uninsured motorist coverage and allowing gaps in medical treatment. The third mistake is easily avoided if you only remember this rule: do not consent to a recorded statement with the defendant’s insurance company about the facts of your accident.
Do Not Agree to Provide Recorded Statements Without Legal Representation
This mistake often occurs before accident victims retain a law firm, and by the time the victim does retain legal assistance, the damage is already done. When an accident victim provides a recorded statement during a phone call with the defendant’s insurance company, the strength of your auto accident claim can be jeopardized.
Benign, harmless statements may then be twisted to mean different things. For example, the insurance company may ask “How are you feeling today?”, and the accident victim may reply with the common “I’m feeling okay.” This statement may be interpreted by the insurance company as an admission that pain and suffering is not that bad, simply because the victim stated that he or she was feeling okay.
Only when the accident victim realizes that he or she is receiving a low-ball offer from the insurance company will the victim seek legal representation, but at this point, the damage is already done. Talking about property damage or the location of the accident may not cause any harm to an auto accident claim, but talking about how a car accident occurred or any injuries sustained is not recommended.
The easiest way to prevent this particular mistake is to retain The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker immediately after an accident, and be sure to let the insurance company know. Once legal counsel has been retained, the insurance company is no longer allowed to discuss the details of an accident with the victim.
Having knowledge of these three ways to prevent mistakes in an auto accident claim gives you a head start should the unexpected happen. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, do not hesitate to give The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker a call at (800) 333-0000 for a free consultation. Drive safe.