Rearview cameras are now standard features on all new vehicles made and sold in the United States. Some wonder – is it worth it? Do these additions really make a difference? Let us take a look at the facts to find the truth. If you have been involved in a car accident, motorcycle accident, or other motor vehicle accident, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.
One in Six Police-Reported Backing Crashes Can Be Prevented by Rearview Cameras
According to a study by the IIHS, about one out of every six police-reported backing crashes could be prevented with rearview cameras. This study determined this by looking at backing up crashes that involved vehicles equipped with optional rearview cameras compared with the same models that did not have the cameras.
The study found that the rate of backing up accidents went down by about 16%. The study also found that drivers over the age of 70 benefited the most from the cameras, though that group was also the least comfortable with using this type of technology.
Rearview Cameras Are Doing More Than They Were Designed to Do
The fact of the matter is that if rearview cameras prevent any accidents between vehicles, they are already doing more than expected. Why? Because the purpose of these was initially to reduce backing up accidents that injured or killed pedestrians – especially children.
However, early studies on these cameras quickly showed that they greatly reduced the blind spot of drivers, which is why they are so much more effective than simple sensors that tell the driver there is something behind them.
These Cameras Are Even More Helpful for Older Drivers
The studies have shown that no one benefits more from these cameras than drivers who are older than 70. In fact, with rearview cameras, their backing up crash rate fell 40% – compare that to a 15% reduction for drivers 70 and younger. Experts point to the limited mobility of older drivers, and their common difficulty in turning their heads.
Older Cars Can Be Outfitted with Rearview Cameras
Now that these cameras are standard on new cars, it may seem that if you have an older car, you have no choice but to upgrade to a newer vehicle. While newer vehicles are likely to have many additional safety features, if you cannot afford to upgrade to a brand new vehicle, you can choose an older model and have a rearview camera installed.
If you have been injured in a car accident and want the help of an experienced attorney, we strongly suggest you contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation. We are standing by to help you discover your best options. Call now and let us get started right away.