Larry H. Parker


Trampolines are awesome — but they can also be dangerous.

Learn about Trampoline Safety

Across the United States, trampolines have become a standard feature in many backyards.  Trampolines are a lot of fun, and they can be great exercise, whether you’re bouncing on a small indoor trampoline, a larger outdoor one, or a massive commercial indoor trampoline park.  But while trampolines can be exciting, they are also dangerous — so much so that the American Academy of Pediatrics has suggested that trampolines never be used outside of supervised training programs, such as in gymnastics training programs.

Children can suffer any number of injuries from trampolines.  These include broken bones, sprains, bruises, strains, head injuries, brain injuries, neck injuries, chest injuries, and spinal cord injuries.  While rare, death is also a potential consequence of a trampoline accident.  The majority of trampoline accidents happen to children between the ages of 6 and 14 years old, with most (75%) happening when more than one person is on the trampoline at the same time.

While the safest course of action is to not have a trampoline and to not allow your children to use one outside of a supervised setting, there are steps that you can take to decrease the chances of a trampoline injury.  This includes making sure that only one person is using the trampoline at a time; the more people that are on a trampoline, the greater the chances of an injury are.  If you have a trampoline outdoors, it should be set on level ground, away from structures and objects such as trees.  Trampolines should have nets or enclosures that completely cover the springs, hooks, and frame to prevent injuries in case someone falls off.  Similarly, shock-absorbing pads should be used to reduce injuries.  Children should be closely supervised while on a trampoline, and kids under the age of six should not be allow to use a trampoline.

 Who is Responsible for Trampoline Injuries?

 If a child or a person is injured on a trampoline, there are many potential responsible parties.  First, if there was some sort of design or manufacturing defect, then the manufacture, retailer, or distributor could be held liable for the resulting injuries.  This would be under products liability theory.  These cases involve the idea that if a product was defectively designed or manufactured, then the company that made the product should be held responsible for any resulting injuries.  A company can also be held responsible under this theory if it failed to warn consumers of the safe use of its product.  For example, in the case of trampolines, if the manufacturer knew that a trampoline placed on uneven ground could tip, causing injuries, but did not include that warning in its instructions, then it could be held liable.

If the product was properly manufactured and designed, then the person who owns the trampoline could be held responsible for the accident or injuries.  If the homeowner assembled the trampoline incorrectly, did not properly secure the trampoline, or failed to supervise children using the trampoline, then they could he held responsible under premises liability theory.   If the homeowner knew of a danger with the trampoline and failed to take action to keep guests using it safe, then that could potentially be the basis for legal liability.

If you or your child has been injured while using a trampoline, you may be able to recover for your losses.  Contact the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker today at 800-333-0000 or to schedule a free initial consultation.  Our attorneys are highly experienced at handling personal injury cases, and will work hard to get you the compensation that you deserve for your injuries.  We never charge a fee unless we get money for you!