Larry H. Parker


Do your part to reduce the risk of a bus accident.

Safety Tips for Bus RidersIf you want to save money and reduce your impact on the environment, taking advantage of public transportation is a good way to do it.  Riding a bus, train, or other form of public transportation is an excellent way to avoid high parking costs, wear and tear on your car, and the frustration of sitting in traffic every day.

While buses tend to be a relatively safe way to travel, when a bus crashes, it can have devastating results.  Recent news stories have highlighted the danger of bus accidents, with high casualties and injuries reported in numerous cases throughout the United States.

As passengers, we cannot guarantee that a bus driver will operate the bus safely, or that other drivers on the road will be responsible. However, we can take steps to prevent our own actions from causing an accident — and to reduce our risk of serious injury or even death in the event of a crash.

When we think of bus safety tips, most people think that they’re just for kids.  But many adults ride the bus to work or to get around town each day.  We are equally responsible for safe bus practices, and should do our part to reduce the likelihood of accidents.

The first — and perhaps most important — thing that we can all do as bus riders to lower the chances of an accident is to not distract the bus driver.  Do not yell, scream, or otherwise cause a commotion on the bus.  If someone else is acting up, attempt to deal with it quietly — or calmly inform the driver of the incident.  You should not bring anything onto the bus that will distract the driver, and should always be sure to hold onto your possessions tightly to make sure that they don’t fall or roll forward.

Next, if you see a bus driver doing something unsafe, report them.  This could include anything from being on the phone while driving to appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  While you may not want to be responsible for someone losing their job, the serious nature of bus accidents means that it is all the more important to report a driver who is negligent or reckless.

When you’re on the bus, you can take steps to ensure your own safety in the event of an accident.  Whenever possible, get a seat on the bus.  If it is too full for you to sit during the ride, be sure to hang onto a strap or pole to brace yourself.  Remember that if you fall, the chances are good that you will knock into other people on a crowded bus.  Avoid that by bracing yourself and holding on tight if you have to stand during your commute.

Finally, when you are getting on and off the bus, be careful! Only get on or off the bus when it has come to a complete stop, and move quickly out of the way once you are off the bus.  When you’re exiting the bus, be sure that your backpack, briefcase or purse doesn’t get caught on the door or a railing.  If it does get stuck and the bus doesn’t stop, let go of the bag.  It is far better to lose your personal property than to be dragged by a bus.

If you have been hurt in a bus accident, the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker can help.  We have nearly 40 years of experience representing people who have been hurt in bus crashes and other types of accidents.  We offer free consultations and we never charge a fee unless we recover money for you.  Contact us today at 800-333-0000 or to schedule a free initial consultation.