Larry H. Parker


Learn the Most Common Causes of Rollover Accidents in Southern CaliforniaComplex interactions involving drivers, vehicles, the road, and the weather are common in car accidents. Accidents are terrible incidents that can leave a lasting imprint on the people involved, especially if there was a rollover involved. When one or more vehicles roll over in a collision, serious injuries and even death might occur. Rollovers account for approximately one-third of all accident-related deaths, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Keep reading to learn more and then contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation if you have been injured in a rollover accident.

What happens when a car rolls over?

Vehicles roll over for two frequent reasons during an accident. Drivers may lose control of their vehicles and slip off the road, or they may engage in high-speed, dangerous driving. While there are additional causes for rollover accidents, such as collisions with other vehicles or road barriers, the aforementioned are the most common and may necessitate the services of a car accident attorney. Some of the factors that contribute to rollover accidents include:

Driver command. A driver losing control of a vehicle is the most prevalent cause of a rollover accident. Drivers who fall asleep at the wheel, use their phones, or engage in other forms of distracted driving may lose focus and control. A vehicle’s center of gravity might be thrown off if it collides with a curb or other road barrier. The vehicle’s forward velocity could cause it to turn over onto its side or top.

Dangerous maneuvers. Aggressive driving, which includes unsafe movements like taking turns or swerving at a high rate of speed, is another prominent cause of rollovers. This type of maneuver can produce friction between the tires and the road surface, leading the car to tip to one side and roll over. This is especially true for vans, trucks, and vehicles that are substantially laden.

Multi-vehicle collisions. Single-vehicle rollovers are the most common; multi-vehicle rollovers are less common. A car may roll if it is hit side-on and forced over by the force of the oncoming vehicle. A vehicle will frequently collide with a railing or other object, creating a ramp and causing a rollover.

What can I do to prevent a rollover car accident?

There is always a chance of an accident when you get behind the wheel or in the passenger seat of a car. Although you cannot control every circumstance, such as driving conditions, weather, or other drivers on the road, you can take essential safety procedures to lessen your chances of getting in an accident. When driving, keep in control of your vehicle, stay sober, and stay attentive and awake at all times. To help protect yourself from a rollover accident, use these best practices:

Never drive while inebriated. It is never a smart idea to drink and drive. It endangers you and everyone else, and it’s simply not worth it. Alcohol can affect your judgment, coordination, and vision even in tiny amounts. When you’re sober, taking a turn too rapidly is a problem; when you’re inebriated, it’s immensely more difficult and dangerous. Keep in mind that alcohol is involved in about half of all fatal rollover accidents.

Recognize your vehicle and its limits. Under the correct circumstances, any passenger or commercial vehicle has the potential to roll over. An SUV, van, or pickup truck is more likely to flip over than a sedan, according to the NHTSA. The heavier vehicles’ higher center of gravity and weight make them easily unstable, and stopping sideways momentum is difficult. Be mindful of the possibility of tipping if you drive a vehicle with a high center of gravity.

Maintain a steady pace. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, excessive speed is a factor in 40% of all fatal rollovers. In addition, the vast majority of rollovers occurred in locations with posted speed limits of 55 mph or above. The moral of the story is to not speed. Keep in mind that, depending on the circumstances, the posted speed limit may not be a safe speed. Adapt your speed to the current situation.

Keep your eyes on the road. That’s all you should be doing while driving. Always keep your attention solely on the road. When you’re driving, don’t text, talk on the phone, eat, read, or do anything else that isn’t directly relevant to driving. This is especially true on rural roads when the speed limit is 55 MPH or higher. These roads are very hazardous; over 75% of all rollover incidents on rural roads result in death.

If you have been injured in a rollover accident in which someone else was at fault, contact The Law Offices of Larry H. Parker at 800-333-0000 for a free legal consultation.